JFW Premium Textile Japan
2023 Spring/Summer
S e a r c h
L i s t


Stock sales service at their own risk. Export available.

[ Booth no ]


[ Category ]

A zone:Staple (cotton,linen,wool, and blends)

[ Item ]

Silk, synthetic fibers, cotton, linen, prints

Address   2-2-27, Kitahorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 550-0014, JAPAN
Tel   +81-6-6535-3400
Fax   +81-6-6535-3401
URL  http://www.crystalcloth.co.jp/
Contact   Yusuke Watanabe 
E-Mail  watanabe@crystalcloth.co.jp


The market for fashion is said to be a quickly changing one. However we welcome that fast pace of change. This is because it gives us the opporturlty to make use of our experience. Where originality is being demanded. We see it as an opportunity. This is because that is where our distinguishing character stieslie. "The ability to read the future and market." "The creativity to creat trends" "Textile, knits, prints, Embroidery we have the ability to develop and propose each of these with foresight on the final products."Using these strengths.
We can also deal with multiple product types. Small lots and short delivery times. We have the over all ability to respond to customers delivery reguire ments.

Material item list >>>

JFW Textile Online Salon