JFW Premium Textile Japan
2024 Autumn/Winter
S e a r c h
L i s t


Stock sales service at their own risk. Original production available from one piece. Export available. J∞QUALITY Approved Company

[ Booth no ]


[ Category ]

B zone:Filament (man-made,silk,functional, and blends)

[ Item ]

Silk, synthetic fibers, cotton, functional fabrics, prints

Address   8F, 3-2-4, Kitaaoyama, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107-0061, JAPAN
Tel   +81-3-5414-6418
Fax   +81-3-5414-6419
URL  https://www.komon-koubou.com/
Contact   Nanako Sato 
E-Mail  tokyo-am2-6@komon-koubou.com


We specialise textiles for women's and men's fashion all made in Japan. We design, manufacture and stock moven and knitted textiles from polyester/synthetic fabric to natural fiber such as cotton and silk. To supply our textiles speedy and stably. We handle our goods form small lots with lowprices.

Material item list >>>

JFW Textile Online Salon